Climate change and Agriculture

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​​​​​​​Agricultural scene Cows Farmer in field talking Picking grapes Farmer in field talking

Project supported by the Tasmanian Climate change Office

Making Cent$ of Carbon and Emissions on-farm

The Making Cent$​​​ of Carbon and Emission On-subcontract booklet provides examples of actions that farm businesses can take to improve their emissions performance on-subcontract under primal action areas.  The booklet is aimed to help farmers have command of their state of affairs and consider options to meliorate resources efficiency of their operations.

​​Tasmanian Farming Futures project

Tasmanian case studies

The fact sheets below provide existent Tasmanian case studies on how producers are improving farm efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emission.

  Example studies include:

  • Sustainable soil management
  • Orchard efficiency
  • Copse for farm productivity
  • Vegetable farm efficiency
  • Vineyard efficiency
  • Efficient livestock production

Example studies were produced by the Tas Farming Futures projec​t led by RM Consulting Group with funding from the Australian Regime.

Farm Emissions Reduction Planning Information Guide

The Farm Emissions Reduction Planning Data guide provides a guide for the development of Farm Emissions Reduction Plans (ERPs). This guide is intended for advisors and consultants preparing farm plans for their Tasmanian clients but can also be used by farmers to develop their own plans.

​Soil Carbon Stories

Working with farmers to increase soil carbon storage (PDF) is the stories from half-dozen Tasmanian graziers who have experimented with pasture management techniques on their farms.  Each case written report highlights how graziers can make changes to pasture management to best arrange their local surroundings and farm business organisation.  The stories tell the importance of enhancing the health and resilience of pasture-based enterprises into the future.  The two year projection monitored the effect of management change on soil carbon storage under dryland grazing.  This publication was produced by the Tasmanian Establish of Agriculture and Pear Consulting.

​Information Sheets

Impacts of climate change on agronomics is a joint product of the Tasmanian Government and the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) and the post-obit information sheets focus on opportunities and risks associated with climate modify beyond a range of Tasmanian agronomical enterprises:

Impact of climate modify on Tasmanian agriculture - overview

Information Sheet (two.84 MB, iv pages)

Dryland pastures (red meat product)

Information Sheet (2.99 MB, four pages)

Irrigated pastures (dairy production)

Data Sheet (2.32 MB, 4 pages)

Meander Valley - barley, poppies, pyrethrum, blueberries and hazelnuts under irrigation

Information Sheet (2.23 MB, half-dozen pages)

Wheat product (cereals)

Information Sheet (2.eighty MB, 4 pages)

Wine grape product

Information Canvass (3.21 MB, 4 pages)

What farmers say virtually climate modify

Data Canvas (3.67 MB, 5 pages)

If you require depression resolution copies to be emailed to you lot or difficult copies to be posted of these information sh TIAR logo eets, please contact TIA Corporate Communications, email:​

The material in the information sheets was developed from outputs from the Climate Futures for Tasmania projection. In particular, from the Impacts on Agriculture Technical Study (Holz et al 2010), available on the Department of Premier and Cabinet website.

Photograph montage credits (l - r) Suzie Gaynor, Rachael Brown, Suzie Gaynor, Stefanio Lubiana Wines, Suzie Gaynor